Шляпников Георгий Всеволодович, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, научный директор Российского квантового центра (Международного центра квантовой оптики и квантовых технологий). Web-сайт: https://rqc.ru
, отзыв 
Список публикаций по теме диссертации соискателя за последние 5 лет:
- S. I. Matveenko, V. I. Yudson, B. L. Altshuler, and G. V. Shlyapnikov, Superfluid transition in disordered dipolar Fermi gases, Phys. Rev. A 102, 053319 (2020)
- G. Bertoli, B. L. Altshuler, and G. V. Shlyapnikov, Many-body localization in continuum systems: Two-dimensional bosons, Phys. Rev. A 100, 013628 (2019).
- X. Deng, S. Ray, S. Sinha, G. V. Shlyapnikov, and L. Santos, One-dimensional quasicrystals with power-law hopping, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 025301 (2019).
- D. V. Kurlov, S. I. Matveenko, V. Gritsev, and G. V. Shlyapnikov, One-dimensional two-component fermions with contact even-wave repulsion and SU(2)-symmetry-breaking near-resonant odd-wave attraction, Phys. Rev. A 99, 043631 (2019).
- G. I. Martone and G. V. Shlyapnikov, Drag force and superfluidity in the supersolid stripe phase of a spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensate, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics volume 127, pages 865–876 (2018).
- X. Deng, V. E. Kravtsov, G. V. Shlyapnikov, and L. Santos, Duality in Power-Law Localization in Disordered One-Dimensional Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 110602 (2018).
- A. K. Fedorov, V. I. Yudson, and G. V. Shlyapnikov, Superfluidity of identical fermions in an optical lattice: Atoms and polar molecules, AIP Conference Proceedings 1936, 020022 (2018).
- This G. I. Martone and G.V.Shlyapnikov, Drag force and superfluidity in the supersolid stripe phase of a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate, JETP 154 (5), 985 (2018).
- G. Bertoli, V. P. Michal, B. L. Altshuler, and G. V. Shlyapnikov, Finite-temperature disordered bosons in two dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 030403 (2018).
- Hao Lee, S. I. Matveenko, Daw-Wei Wang, and G. V. Shlyapnikov, Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in bilayer dipolar systems, Phys. Rev. A 96, 061602(R) (2017).
- A. K. Fedorov, V. I. Yudson, and G. V. Shlyapnikov, P-wave superfluidity of atomic lattice fermions, Phys. Rev. A 95, 043615 (2017).
Шубина Татьяна Васильевна, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор. Главный научный сотрудник Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Физико-технический институт им. А.Ф. Иоффе Российской академии наук. Web-сайт: http://www.ioffe.ru, отзыв 
Список публикаций по теме диссертации соискателя за последние 5 лет:
- М.М. E. A. Evropeitsev, Yu. M. Serov, D. V. Nechaev, V.N. Jmerik, T.V. Shubina, A.A.Toropov, Two-dimensional excitons in multiple GaN/AlN monolayer quantum wells, JETP Letters 113 (8), 504-509 (2021).
- L. V. Kotova, M. V. Rakhlin, A. I. Galimov, I. A. Eliseyev, B.R. Borodin, A. V. Platonov, D. A. Kirilenko, A. V. Poshakinskiy, T. V. Shubina, MoS 2 flake as a van der Waals homostructure: luminescence properties and optical anisotropy, Nanoscale 13, 17566-17575 (2021).
- Е. А. Европейцев, Ю.М.Серов, Д.В.Нечаев, В.Н.Жмерик, Т.В.Шубина, А.А.Торопов, 2D экситоны в множественных одномонослойных квантовых ямах GaN/AlN, Письма в ЖЭТФ 113 (8), 507-513 (2021).
- L.V. Kotova, A.V. Platonov, A.V. Poshakinskiy, T.V. Shubina, Polarization Conversion in MoS 2 Flakes, Semiconductors 54 (11), 1509-1513 (2020).
- O.O. Smirnova, I.A. Eliseyev, A.V. Rodina, T.V. Shubina, Temperature activation of indirect exciton in nanostructures based on MoS2, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1482 (1), 012038 (2020).
- D. Kazanov, M. Rakhlin, A. Poshakinskiy, T. Shubina, Towards exciton-polaritons in an individual MoS2 Nanotube, Nanomaterials 10 (2), 373 (2020).
- D.R. Kazanov, E.A. Evropeytsev, T.V. Shubina, The cavity-effect in site-controlled GaN nanocolumns with InGaN insertions, Semiconductors 53 (16), 2085 (2019).
- A.A. Toropov, E.A. Evropeitsev, M.O. Nestoklon, D.S. Smirnov, T.V. Shubina, et al., Strongly confined excitons in GaN/AlN nanostructures with atomically thin GaN layers for efficient light emission in deep-ultraviolet, Nano letters 20 (1), 158-165 (2019).
- T.V. Shubina, W. Desrat, M. Moret, A. Tiberj, O. Briot, V.Y. Davydov, et al., InSe as a case between 3D and 2D layered crystals for excitons, Nature communications 10 (1), 1-8 (2019).
- D.R. Kazanov, A.V. Poshakinskiy, V.Y. Davydov, A.N. Smirnov, I.A. Eliseyev, et al., Multiwall MoS2 tubes as optical resonators, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113 , 101106 (2018).
Кавокин Кирилл Витальевич, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор. Ведущий научный сотрудник Исследовательская лаборатория Оптики спина им. И. Н. Уральцева Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (СПбГУ). Web-сайт: https://solab.spbu.ru, отзыв 
Список публикаций по теме диссертации соискателя за последние 5 лет:
- M. Vladimirova, D. Scalbert, M.S. Kuznetsova, K.V. Kavokin, Electron-induced nuclear magnetic ordering in n-type semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 103 (20), 205207 (2021).
- M. Kotur, D.O. Tolmachev, V.M. Litvyak, K.V. Kavokin, et al., Ultra-deep optical cooling of coupled nuclear spin-spin and quadrupole reservoirs in a GaAs/(Al, Ga)As quantum well, Commun. Physics 4, 1-8 (2021).
- A.V. Trifonov, A.S. Kurdyubov, I.Y. Gerlovin, D.S. Smirnov, K.V. Kavokin, et al., Exciton energy oscillations induced by quantum beats, Phys. Rev. B 102 (20), 205303 (2020).
- D.S. Smirnov, K.V. Kavokin, Optical resonance shift spin-noise spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 101 (23), 235416 (2020).
5. A.V. Trifonov, I.V. Ignatiev, K.V. Kavokin, A.V. Kavokin, P.Y. Shapochkin, et al., On the suppression of electron-hole exchange interaction in a reservoir of nonradiative excitons, Semiconductors 53, 1170 (2019).
- A.V. Trifonov, E.S. Khramtsov, K.V. Kavokin, I.V. Ignatiev, A.V. Kavokin, Nanosecond spin coherence time of nonradiative excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev. Letters 122 (14), 147401 (2019).
- V.V. Belykh, A.Y. Kuntsevich, M.M. Glazov, K.V. Kavokin, et al., Quantum Interference Controls the Electron Spin Dynamics in n-GaAs, Phys. Rev. X 8, 031021 (2018).
- V.A. Lukoshkin, V.K. Kalevich, M.M. Afanasiev, K.V. Kavokin, et al., Persistent circular currents of exciton-polaritons in cylindrical pillar microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 97 (19), 195149 (2018).
- V.V. Belykh, K.V. Kavokin, D.R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, Electron charge and spin delocalization revealed in the optically probed longitudinal and transverse spin dynamics in n-GaAs, Physical Review B 96 (24), 241201 (2017).
- I.A. Akimov, T. Godde, K.V. Kavokin, D.R. Yakovlev, I.I. Reshina, I.V. Sedova, et al., Dynamics of exciton magnetic polarons in CdMnSe/CdMgSe quantum wells: Effect of self-localization, Physical Review B 95 (15), 155303 (2017).
Ведущая организация
Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Физический институт им. П.Н. Лебедева Российской академии наук
, Web-сайт:
, отзыв
Список публикаций по теме диссертации соискателя за последние 5 лет (10-15):
- I.V. Rozhansky, V.N. Mantsevich, N.S. Maslova, P.I. Arseyev, N.S. Averkiev, E. Lähderanta, Ultrafast electrical control of optical polarization in hybrid semiconductor structure, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 132, 114755 (2021).
- N.S. Maslova, P.I. Arseyev, V.N. Mantsevich, Tunneling current and noise of entangled electrons in correlated double quantum dot, Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-17 (2021).
- N.S. Maslova, V.N. Mantsevich, P.I. Arseyev, I.M. Sokolov, Tunneling current-induced entanglement between electronic and vibrational modes in coupled molecules, Laser Physics Letters 18 (2), 025203 (2021).
- I.V. Rozhansky, V.N. Mantsevich, N.S. Maslova, P.I. Arseyev, N.S. Averkiev, E Lähderanta, Split-off states in tunnel-coupled semiconductor heterostructures for ultrafast modulation of spin and optical polarization, Physical Review B 101 (4), 045305 (2020).
- N.S. Maslova, P.I. Arseyev, V.N. Mantsevich, Correlated impurity complex in the asymmetric tunneling contact: an ideal system to observe negative tunneling conductivity, Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-13 (2019).
- V.N. Mantsevich, I.V. Rozhansky, N.S.Maslova, P.I. Arseyev, N.S. Averkiev, E Lähderanta, Mechanism of ultrafast spin-polarization switching in nanostructures, Physical Review B 99 (11), 115307 (2019).
- NS Maslova, IV Rozhansky, VN Mantsevich, PI Arseyev, NS Averkiev, E Lähderanta, Dynamic spin injection into a quantum well coupled to a spin-split bound state, Physical Review B 97 (19), 195445 (2018).
- P.I. Arseev, S.O. Loiko, N.K. Fedorov, Particular type of a gap in the spectrum of multiband superconductors, JETP Letters 106 (6), 349-353 (2017).
- V.N. Mantsevich, N.S. Maslova, P.I. Arsevey, Tunneling current emission spectrum of biased impurity in the presence of electron-phonon interaction, Nonlinear Optics and Applications X 10228, 1022811 (2017).
- P.I. Arseev, V.N. Mantsevich, N.S. Maslova, V.I. Panov, Tunneling features in semiconductor nanostructures, Physics-Uspekhi 60 (11), 1067 (2017).
- N.S. Maslova, V.N. Mantsevich, P.I. Arseyev, Diagnostics of many-particle electronic states: non-stationary currents and residual charge dynamics, JETP letters 105 (2), 119-124