| Head of laboratory Anatoly V. Dvurechenskii Doc. phys.-math. sci., Professor, RAS Corresponding member. Contacts: Tel.: +7(383)333-24-66 E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
| BASIC TRENDS AND SCOPE OF RESEARCH Nanostructres with quantum dots:QDs array homogeneity in size and shape and elemental composition; control of spatial distribution and density; decrease of defects density. Effects of interparticle interaction in the QDs ensemble;coulomb interaction of electrons/holes inside an isolated quantum dot, coulomb interaction of charges beweeh QDs, interaction (superposition) of elastic fields formed by individual QDs. Porous silicon: microchannel wafers, nanomembranes for biology and medicine.

CONTACTS Novosibirsk 13 Lavrentiev aven., Tel.: 8 (383) 333-26-24 fax: 8 (383) 333-28-32, 8 (383) 333-24-66 |