Alexander V. Latyshev, RAS academician, doctor of physical-mathematical sciences
1981 — graduated from the Novosibirsk State University on the speciality ''Physics''. 1998 — defended his doctoral thesis on ''Atomic steps on silicon surface in the processes of sublimation, epitaxy and phase transitions''. 2008 - elected RAS corresponding member on RAS Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies Department (speciality — ''Nanodiagnostics''). 2016 - elected RAS academician on RAS Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies Department (speciality — "Element base, Nanodiagnostics"). He is an expert in the field of film and nanodimensional semiconductor structures synthesis from molecular beams, semiconductor nanotechnologies for a new generation element base and low-dimensional systems structural diagnostics. |
SP - Sector for Printing PPD - Production-and-Planning Department MD - Maintenance Department BR - Sector for Building and Repairing ES ED - Engineering Department for Electronic System EW - Experimental Workshop MTPD - Material-Technical Provision Department |
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences