"Katun" installation (device) with gas source of ammonia to grow nanoheterostructures based on GaN, AlGaN and AlN
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Control of quantum structures parameters | High-vaccum MBE Cd-Hg-Te installation equipped with high-speed laser ellipsometer |
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Ellipsometrical control during periodical nanostructures growth |
Spectroscopic Reflectometer KRS-200 is designed to measure the intensity of light scattering in transparent materials, such as crystals, glass, liquids in order to determine the concentration of scattering impurities, structural defects, foreign inclusions, etc. In addition, the reflectometer can be used as a spectrophotometer to determine the spectral transmittance and transparency boundaries of optical materials. Through the use of built- in polarizer one can measure the dichroism and determine birefringence in anisotropic materials.
- spectral range .................................. 200÷1000nm;
- spectral resolution .............................. 2nm;
- cuvette dimensions ............................. 100×100×160mm;
- minimum dimensions of the sample .................... 5×5×15mm;
- maximum dimensions of the sample ................... 90×90×150mm;
- interface USB.
Flexible software designed for OS Windows 2000/XP provides control of the device in various modes of measurement, data acquisition, output of the measured spectra in numerical and graphical form, their further analysis and processing.
General view of the device.
The domestic industry has not produced analytical equipment for research and analysis volume scattering of optical materials. In addition to a solution of this problems, the instrument allows us to determine the range of transparency, the availability and range of dichroism, other parameters, i.e implement a comprehensive quality control of optical materials.Application field
Optics, optoelectronics, quantum electronics, photonics, optical materials, as well as studies of scattering and turbid media.Physical Bases of Integral Microphotoelectronics and 3D Nanostructures, and Physics and Technology Laboratory
Open Joint-Stock Company SIMEX
Fourier IR spectrometer "PT-801" and IR microscope "MICRAN"
Device production company:
Open Joint-Stock Company SIMEX - scientific-production enterprise - winner of the "Golden Mercury" competition in the nomination "Best small innovative enterprise - 2008", Novosibirsk.
ISP SB RAS device developers:
Scientific-Technological Department; Fourier Spectrometry Group; Physical Bases of Integral Microphotoelectronics and 3D Nanostructures, and Physics and Technology Laboratory.
The stand-imitator (fig.) is aimed at the terrestrial imitation of the technological zone in space behind the protective molecular screen and at the check of technologhical elements efficiency, their testing, tuning and graduation, also at working out cyclograms and algorithms of technological processes to obtain multilayer semiconductor nanostructures under the conditions of ISC flight. The stand has a vacuum chamber (1) in which a container with a drum mechanism is inloaded (2) to heat and fix the wafers 100 mm in diameter. The chamber has a prelimnary pumping block, NMD-04 pumps, sublimation pump that consists of a cryopanel with a system of liquid nitrogen transport and a sublimator. Hermeticity of flanged joints is provided by copper and vitonum spacers. Control of environmental parameters (1) is realised by means of the pressure sensor and mass-spectrometer (not shown); control of the films being grown - by the diffractometer (5) with a luminiscent screen (6) and a laser ellipsometer (7).
Automatic control of the technological process, when carrying out the experiment of thin-film growth, is realised by the control block (3) which provides the: installation of the chosen wafer in a technological position, heating the wafer, heater temperature measurement, control of the wafer shutter, control of sources working regimes in growing epitaxial structures and that of molecular sources shutters (MS). When implementing a technological process, MS shuters open and MS materials heated in crucibles form molecular beams interacting with the wafer surface; it provides the growth of semiconductor nanostructures on its surface with set layers thicknesses and a certain chemical composition. Control of structures quality is realised according to the diffraction image obtained on the luminiscent screen (6) as a result of electron beam reflection (going out of the diffractometer cannon (5) from the wafer surface. Another control method is ellipsometry that allows us to monitor epitaxial films composition and growth.
Fig. Stand-imitator with installed nodes and VMD MBE elements ready for LT. 1-chamber of the stand-imitator, 2. drum mechanism, 3. electron devices to control the technological process, 4. head computer, HEED electron cannon, HEED fluorescent screen, optical ellipsometric arms, 8. molecular sources. |
Technical-economic advantages
''Epicenter'', the cosmic vacuum stand-imitator can be used as an MBE installation, also for mastering nanotechnologies and training young spacialists under plant conditions and university nanotechnological centers. In this version, it has the following big advantages compared to all known analogues:
- compact size;
- экономичность по расходу жидкого азота и исходных особо-чистых материалов;
- economical use of nitrogen and initial ultra-pure materials;
- high precision of program maintenance of temperature sources and wafers;
- precisional control of synthesised films structural state and thickness.
System depending on directions of its use can consist of several specialized
vacuum chambers: chamber of loading-unloading of wafers-substrates with a cassette (2
cartridges on 7 plates of 102 mm in diameter); a chamber for epitaxial growth of
elementary semiconductors (Si, Ge), metal, dielectric layers are supplied with electron
beam evaporators, gas and plasma sources; chambers for growth of A3B5, A3N and A2B6
semiconductor compounds can contain 12 molecular sources, including the valve type for
antimony, phosphorus, arsenic etc. All chambers are rigged by high-energy electron
diffractometers developed and made in the ISP, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy
of Sciences and an automatic laser ellipsometer - devices for not destroying control of
structure and properties of produced nanogeterostuctures in the course of their synthesis.
The combination of working chambers in any order is possible. Transport of substrates
between working chambers is automated. The installation rigged by the computer control
system and the software package for processes was carried out. Film growth rates are
average from an atomic layer to micrometers an hour.
In a set with installation or separately, the following units can be delivered:
- crucibles from pyrolitic nitride of various sizes, processed by an original technique according to demands of epitaxial production engineering;
- crucible, valve-type and electron beam sources of molecular beams;
- high-energy electron diffractometers (speeding up voltage to 30 kV) with the system for registration of a diffraction pattern and the analysis of their intensity with the software;
- automatic laser ellipsometer for registration of optical, morphological, magnetic parameters and the thickness of thin-film structures in the course of their growth and after;
- optical pyrometers;
- power modules and computer control systems with the software.
A two-chamber variant of "Katun-100" on an assembly section in the A.V.Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Technical and economic advantages
- compactness, low cost and profitability;
- novelty and originality of technological solutions (are protected by patents and a know-how);
- economy of materials and high characteristics of epitaxial structures at the low cost price of a process;
- automatic loading-unloading of wafers-substrates;
- absence of magnetic manipulators and the variable magnetic fields connected with them;
- the automated control system of a process completed with power modules and system of the exact thermoregulation, supplied with the original software, allows us to realize the processes in the automatic regime;
- convenience both for University Laboratory and for industrial use.
Application fields
Conducting experimental researches and the industrially-oriented work- outs in
the field of physics of the condensed condition and synthesis of semi-conductor and metal
nanostructures. Training specialists in the field of nanotechnology. Manufacture of
multilayered heteroepitaxial structures is meant for the element base of micro - nano - and
optronics, microwave devices, photovoltaic, light-emission and photosensitive devices,
navigating equipment, laser and telecommunication systems, satellite television, etc.
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, SB RAS.
The polarization-optical DNA sensor provides optimal conditions for detecting of
complimentary complexes formation processes with immobilized oligonucleotides on a carrier body surface with DNA chips.
DNA sensor provides increased
reliability of the analysis, increase in
sensitivity and operating speed.
The software is created for DNA sensor control including the block of graphical representation of the information in the compressed window, providing sensor operation, reception and processing of the information and representation to its user in a convenient aspect.
The diagram processing is applied with the purpose of increasing detectability of a sensor. Fifty one-dimensional files are allocated in the program under logged data.
Accuracy of the sensing transducer positioning - 1 micron in DNA chip analysis.
DNA Sensor
Strain gage transducer designed for detection of the lateral rock deformation in
relief holes with small-scale diameter (80-85 or 115-120 mm) in three directions by
means of polarization-sensitive pickups shifted off 120 degrees. The measurements of
the mechanical strength, raised in rock is based on the method of the high accuracy
detecting of linear changes in relief hole geometrical sizes. Polarization-sensitive pickups detect the deformation in three directions and that allows on-line monitoring the
shearing of load-carrying frame, rock bursts, earthquakes, and technogeneous dangerous works.
Temperature instability, degrees; | 4×10-7 |
Range of output linear characteristic; | 103 |
Power supply, V; | +5 |
Power consumption, mW, below | 65 |
Technical and Economic Advantages
High sensitivity of sensing transducers, more than in 50 times surpassing in
sensitivity strain-gauge transducers of other types. Design allowed the recurrence of the
application, the simplified installation. It is supposed more than thirtyfold over loadings
on a dynamic range. A problem of the temperature stabilization of the polarization-sensitive
pickups is solved.
Area of Applications
Mineral industry, metallurgy, construction, carrying out the tasks of the Ministry
of Emergent Situations of the Russian Federation.
Tension metric station having a set from 1 to 8 high sensitive mini sensors intended
for the analysis of distribution of deformations in the block constructions is constructed.
The sensors (based on the application of photo-elastic effect) show the sensor sensitivity
50 times more when compared to the tension metric sensors based on film resistors (Tension
sensor base - 15 mm; Sensitivity to changes of comparative deformation - 1×10-7;
Temperature instability - 4×10-7 Deg.; Sensor interrogation period not more - 10 ms).
Technical and Economical Advantages:
- Multiple applications,
- Simple (reductive) assembling,
- Absence of glue joints.
- 30 times dynamic over loading ranges are possible.
Application Areas:
- Mechanical engineering,
- Mining industry,
- Metallurgy,
- Building industry.
Science and Engineering Co. "TORI", Ltd.
General characteristic
Multifunctional System for Pipeline Monitoring is intended for registration of out-flowes, guarding of pipelines. The system is applied to an ultra-long acoustic loca- tion of shells, and also provides a number of subfunctions for technical diagnostic of oil, products and gas pipelines.
The outcome data are summarized graphically on the operator PC display. Those data are transmitted to the remote computer for process inspection. The coordination with the technology card, interception of natural barriers and high-altitude situation of the pipeline above the sea level are realized at the actual time scale. The scaling of cards allows receiving more detailed coordination.
The system consists of 4 modules: acoustic antennas-1, controllers-2, a system control computer -3 and software-4. The modules 1 and 2 are installed on a linear part of a pipeline. The computer is arranged, as a rule, at the dispatching office of the pipeline. The structural diagram of the system is shown at the Figure.
Technological and economical advantages
The technological and economic advantages are reached due to the following factors:
Multifunctionality and, therefore, capability to replace various types of equipment;
Decrease of product losses resulting by the emergency outflows, unauthorized insets and thefts during the transfer;
No need for tracking all shells by mobile crew, the manager can do all necessary operations using PC software displaying the product transport on PC at real time regime;
No need for looking up for shells in case they have stopped;
Capability for operating control over shell transport to eliminate emergency shut-downs and clipping of shells;
Built-in hardware-software is available for the system operation monitoring, reduces the costs of service.
Fields of application
The system is applied on oil, products and gas pipelines.
The series production of a system is organized.
The separate clusters of a system are licensed.
Photodetectors (PD) are designed for carrying out astrophysical investigations on board a space vehicle with the aim of detecting lightly heated objects in space
Photodetector | PD Construction:
Commercial proposals:
- PD manufacturing (execution of an order - no longer than 6 months);
- supplying production equipment for fabrication of photosensitive layers;
- transferring the technology for manufacturing photosensitive layers
Programed power supplies "Impulse" of 1.25 or to 2.5 kW with an analogous external or manual control, connected to ECM, are meant to supply different devices with a possibility of programed regulation of objects regimes including the use of feedback channels. They provide stable voltage or stabilized current of from-zero-to-maximum regulation, have low pulsation level and high efficiency. It is possible to set output voltage of a special form (meander, triangle, saw, sinus) with a through-zero transition. The output of supplies is isolated. A connection to the general insulator of any output is permissible in external circuits.
Fig. Image of "Impulse" power supply.
- wide range of output voltages (6 - 200) and currents (to 100 A),
- active correction of power coefficient,
- automatic maintenance of set voltage and current,
- rough and precise setting of parameters with one handle through pressing,
- protection from short circuit of load circuit with self-regeneration,
- even voltage on-growth on the load in all regimes,
- saving the last setting,
- fan's noiseless rotation at small power on the load,
- dimensions — mm/weight, kg:
- 88×142×400/ 3,5 (до 1250 VA)
- 88×284×400/ 5,9 (до 2500 VA)
Technical-economic advantages
- compaction, high specific power,
- convenient for composition,
- multi-functionality.
Application fields
- testing, measuring and technological equipment,
- automatic control systems,
- equipment for testing and production of semiconductor devices.
Controller device "Technologist 2" is meant to control technological processes of laboratory and industrial installations. It is designed as 3U crate to be installed into frame 19". The necessary modules are mounted in the crate on the back side. In front is the panel with organs of indication and control. The controller is furnished by communication modules to be connected with ECM, precisional temperature regulation, spacing drive, ADC-DAC, discreet in- and outputs according to technical requirements for monitoring of technological process and the structure of control system.
Controllers software provides with the realisation of autonomous control of technological process by means of an intuitively clear button control desk with a two-line liquid crystal indicator, and also connection with ECM through USB interface - the upper level service. Functions that improve reliability and increase capability for technological installations with a long-time control cycle are realized in the software.
Fig. Fragment of a chamber with controllers.
- maximal amount of modules in the crate - 12 (+ 1 communication module),
- possibility of growing craters onto one communication line,
- temperature and temporal drift of temperature regulators < 1 μV on thermopair input;
- dimensions, mm - 132 × 484 × 330,
- weight - 8 kg.
Technical-economic advantages
- has no analogs for making up multichannel precisional temperature regulation systems,
- high reliability and universality.
Application fields
- testing, measuring and technological equipment,
- automatic control systems,
- equipment for testing and production of semiconductor devices.
All material bodies with the temperature higher than 0 K (-273 C) have electromagnetic radiation which, according to Planck law, looks curve-shaped with a maximum. The number of emitted radiation quants increases with an increase of an object's temperature. Objects thermal image is formed with a special IR objective and registered assisted with a radiation sensor installed in a lens focal plane. The radiation sensor is a hybrid integrated circuit installed on the cooled pedestal of the cryostat. The matrix elements transform light quants into electric charges which are accumulated in the near-surface n-IAs layer under the capacitor gate, red out by the silicon multiplexor, amplified, preliminarily processed by the electron circuit and transmitted in the computer. Image visualization can be made using the thing that the value of output signal from sensors is proportional to an object's temperature. Having obtained a 2D array of signal values from an object it is possible to get a black-and-white or color thermogram image. The minimal signal may be designated in black or violet color, the maximal — white or red. The intermediary values can be evenly distributed over 256 gradations of grey or color shades. Two device modifications, which differ in their spectral range, were fabricated (Fig. 1). IR lenses with optical 8- and 20-fold magnitude are used in the devices. The device spatial resolution at the signal intensity differentiation of 4% was equal to 1.6 mcm. The microscope's observation field depends on the used lens and the distance from it to the photodetector device (PDD).
Fig. 1. General view of IR scanning microscope: 1 — thermoimaging camera, 2 -stand, 3 — co-ordinate table, 3 — position sensor, 5- step engine of co- ordinate X, 6 — electron circuit of observed object positioning control. |
Basic device specification
Spectral range | 2.6 — 3.05 mcm: |
Matrix InAs-based PDD of dimensionality | 128×128 elements. |
Element size | 40×40 mcm, step 50 mcm. |
Frame frequency | 100 Hz. |
Microscope observation field | from 420×420 to 1000×1000mcm. |
Spectral range | 3-5 mcm: |
Line InSb-based PDD | 192×2 elements. |
Element size 40×40 mcm, step | 50 mcm; line elements are in two rows shifted releted to each other at 0.5 step. |
Frame frequency | 5000 Hz. |
Microscope observation field | from 625×4.8 to 1500×12 mcm. |
Maximal scanning field is equal to | 100×50 mm. |
NEYD | = 25 mK. |
Measured temperatures range | from 15 °C to 150 °C. |
Fig. 2. View through the silicon commutator. Compatibility precision control in hybrid modules assembly on In microcolumns. Module size — 6.5×10.5 mm, image dimensionality — 3380×2000 pics, spatial resolution — 3.25 cm. A magnified image fragment is shown in the window.
Technical-economic advantage
IR microscopy is a unique instrument in studying thermal processes that proceed on microscopic scales and is a non-destructive investigation method for thermal processes.
Application fields
It can be used in the investigation of:- temperature processes that proceed on thin films surface;
- thermal radiation distribution on catalizers surface;
- thermal radiation distribution on sorbents surface;
- distribution of radiation emission from IR light diodes surface;
- temperature fields on visible range light diodes surface;
- heat distribution in voltaic elements of microelectronics;
- revealing defects in hybrid integrated PDD circuits assemblies.
The VEC is designed for investigating thin films structures within a wide temperature range, as well as adsorption/desorption processes, owing to the interaction of an atomic clean surface with the gaseous phase. The Complex consists of ultrafast laser ellipsometer mounted on the vacuum chamber equipped with a pumping system, lapping gases and thermocontrol.
Basics specification | |
Two-stage pumping system, residual pressure, no worse | 10-7 Torr |
Possibility of inert gases | able |
Temperature range | 20 - 500°С |
Source wavelength | 633 nm |
Accuracy in determining the Mueller matrix elements, no worse | 0,002 |
Single measurement of ellipsometric parameters | 1 ms |
Light spot, max | 3 mm |
Dimensions | 800×900×1200 mm |
Weight, max | 140 kg |
Supply | 220-240 V/50Hz. |
General view of the instrument
The developed instrument allows one to carry out ellipsometric measurements in vacuum or in inert gases that widen the range of applied and research tasks. The built-in heater makes it possible to perform fast-running temperature-dependent and temperature- induced processes. High performance of the instrument and user-friendly software allows you to collect and process a large volume of information and display it in real time So far such equipment is not produced in home and foreign industries.
Application fields
Scientific institutions, universities, as well as company-producers dealing with research tasks in the field of advanced materials for nanotechnology, solar cells, porous film structures, nonlinear optics, crystal physics, geochemistry, bionanotechnology, etc.