11.05.2012 Attention! The deadline for registration and abstract submission is extended to June 1, 2012.
28.02.2012 Welcome to visit our Conference site!
Fax: +7(383)333-27-71
Irina V. Antonovna - Scientific Secretary of the Conference
Phone: +7(383)333-06-99
Svetlana A. Tychinskaya
Phone: +7(383)333-24-88
A.V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 13 ac. Lavrentyev aven., 600090, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Dear colleagues! You are welcome to take part in the work of the IVth All-Russian Conference "Physical and physico-chemical bases of ion implantation"
(with foreign scientists participation) and of the International Youth Conference "Radiation-thermal Effects and Processes in Inorganic Materials" which is to be held 23-26 October, 2012 in the House of Scientists, SB RAS, of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok.
The conference is devoted to the memory of Leonid S. Smirnov, an honored figure in science and technics, professor, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences.
The series of scientific forums originates from the scientific conference "Physical bases of ion doping" (Gorky, 1971). In 1990, Gorky city (Nizhny Novgorod), the workshop of scientific school was carried out. All-Russian seminars have been held once in two years since 1992. Then the All-Russian conference (2006) "Physical and physico-chemical bases of ion implantation" was held. The second conference (2008) was held in Kazan to the memory of I.B. Khaibulin, RAS corresponding member. The third conference took place in Nizhny Novgorod in 2010.
It is necessary to get ONLINE-registered and submit your reports abstracts till the 1st of May, 2012 to take part in this Conference.