The system of heteroepitaxial CdHgTe structures growth with MBE has been developed in the Institute.

![]() | Electron-optical transformers with semiconductor photocathods are being developed based on the scientific elaborations of ISP SB RAS, unique serial fabrication technology for EOD and super-vaccum serial equipment developed by "Cathod" OJSC that provides the forming functional nanolayers of semiconductor photocathods at the atomic level.
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1998 - 2008 - more than 5 th. SOI wafers, d=100 and 150 mm, were fabricated at the ISP experimental production line for micro- and nanoelectronic devices. Equipment worked out its output capacity. For a new line, it costs (200 mm, 5 th, it./yesr) - to 300 mln. roubles; (300 mm, 30 th it/year) - to 500 mln. r. Clean premises - 200 mln. r.

Micro- and nanochannel substrates of monocrystalline silicon may be used in the registration of big organic molecules and filtration of ultra-dispersive biological molecules and nanoparticles.
The optical microchannel DNA sensor is a silicon plate with channels sized 15 x 15 µm inside of which a certain number of oligonucleotide marker-probes (DNA fragments) dissipate. In light transmission through such a plate (wafer), IR absorption peaks are registered. If DNA molecules are added to the solution, they can be complementarily bound with marker-molecules immobilised on the plate. According to the change of IR absorption spectrum, it is possible to consider the presence of DNA hybridisation reaction (binding).
ISP SB RAS and ICBPM SB RAS Device Development

- a physico-mathematical model and algorithms for 2D distribution simulation of basic avalanche physical parameters depending on major technological and topological device peculiarities were developed;
- framework variants of two types of discrete detectors - silicon pin-diodes and avalanche diodes with a laterally broadened pn-transition line;
- a technological route to fabricate discrete dtectors framework crystals (2-3 mnths - average time before fabrication) was worked out, and a variant of their installation in the corpus with external electrical outputs was developed;
- preliminary test methods were developed and perfected for both IR and gasodynamic trap in the Institute of Nuclear Physics, experimental data on detectors response to different types of ionizing radiations;
- methods to grow scintillational crystals to fit detectorts size were developed; variants of their conjugation with each other were approbed;
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Cross-section of two detector elements | Crystals image of avalanche diodes line on a silicon wafer |
In the figure, a cross-section of the structure with 2 two cells of the LD line is presented. Particles penetrate the p+ external area into the depth which depends on particles energy. The range is about 100 µmfor protons with the energy 3.02 MeV. Appearance out of electron-hole pairs occurs during deceleration. Pairs are separated in the electric field and then they are registered.
Technical-economic advantages
High sensitivity of avalanche diodes to penetrating radiation is conditioned by the thing that, in them, charge carriers generated by light, passing through the p-n transition, acquire the energy in the strong electric transition filed (more than 105 V/cm) sufficient impact lattice atoms ionization and create secondary charge carriers on their way. As a result, a current signal increases many times by avalanche multiplication.
Fields of application
LDs are used as dtectors of penetrating radiations. In combination with scintillational crystals, such detectors are used both in experimental nuclear physics and particles physics, also positron emission tomography (including positron tomography of human cortex)

The linear photoreceiver based on HES CdHgTe MBE, using MCSDP multiplexer
provides the following functioning regimes:
supply of positive polarity regulated back bias on photodiodes, readout of photodiode
signals using direct injection scheme, storage of these signals as charge packets, protection
from charge overflow for each photodiode, temporary delay and accumulation (TDA) for
each channel consisting of four photodiodes, two-directional TDA scanning, deselection
(turn off) of any photodiode if necessary, substitution of average background current
instead of deselected diodes, scheme control using consecutive and parallel interface,
changing integration time within broad limits with a simple external signal.
The basic parameters of linear photoreceiver 288x4 elements based on HES MBE for spectral atmospheric transperancy window of 8 -12чm are presented in the table:
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Fig. Topogram of linear photoreceiving module
288x4 specific detectability.
| Fig. Diodes photoresponse spectrum of
linear photoreceiving module 288x4
Technical-Economic Advantages
Using a linear PR in IR thermovision systems with image scanning allows to obtain
panoramic images of scanning angle up to 360°.
Moreover, the TDA regime for each channel consisting of four photodiodes allows to heighten specific detectability (D) twice compared to a matrix PR.
Fields of Application
Linear photoreceiving module is meant for furnishing IR thermovision systems
used in medicine, electroenergetics, terrestrial, air and aquatic transport, metallurgical, pharmaceutical productions and construction. IR thermovision systems
are aimed at objects detection on their thermal irradiation and also remote temperature
control of an object with high temperature (0.01 K) resolution.

Technology for reduction of resistivity deflection with temperature as well as for correction nominal values of power resistive elements was elaborated (in a cooperation with Joint Stock Company "NEVZ-SOYZ"). Resistors of tablet form were manufactured due to the use of neutron doped FZ silicon. Stabilized characteristic owing to high-energy irradiation was achieved by means of electrons or γ-rays and subsequent thermal treatments. Resistors with deflection of resistance within ±10% from nominal values in a range of temperatures +20÷+180°С. were created.
Technical and economic advantages
Powerful silicon resistors possess:
- High value of power-handling capacity for heat dissipation;
- Over-stability of nominal value resistance in operating temperature range;
- Low values of spurious inductance and capacitance;
- Opportunity for fine adjustment of nominal value of resistance.
Application area
The powerful silicon resistors of the tablet form will find wide application in power electronics. These resistors are optimal for application within unified cooling system with advanced powerful semiconductor devices: diodes, thyristors, IGBT-modules etc. It allows considerably improving both mass and geometric parameters of devices for commutation and control over power-consuming equipment.

Electrically reprogrammed and energy-independent memory (FLASH), alongside with random access memory and microprocessors, is predominant in silicon micro-circuits market. Since 2001 up to the present, within agreements with Samsung Electronics, physical principles of energy-independent terabit memory circuits have been investigated in the ISP SB RAS. New low-voltaic rapid-function memory elements with the use of insulators with high dielectric penetration (high-k dielectrics) were proposed.
![]() Memory element on charge localisation effect in amorphous silicon nitride |
![]() Memory element on electron localisation effect in silicon quantum dots |
![]() Characteristics of memory element reprogramming using SiO2 dots and high-k insulator Al2O3 (regular line) |
![]() Trap structure responsible for the memory effect in Si2N4 Si-Si connection of minimal silicon cluster |
A program simulation package was developed at the ISP in co-operation with IAE:
processes of charge transfer and localisation in amorphous insulators;
fill-in properties of enrgy-independent memory elements (record/erasure, data preservation);
optimization of terabit memory device construction
Contact us:
Institute of Semiconductor Physics , 13 Ac. Lavrentyev Ave., 630090, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, tel.: +7(383)333-38-64, fax: +7(383)333-27-71, e-mail:
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Silicon ingot parameters | Si-C | Si-FZ |
Amount of electrically active background impurities, at/cm3 | <1x1012 | <1x1012 |
Atom concentration at/cm3: -oxygen -carbon -heavy and alkali metals | 2-11x1017 <1x1016 <5x1012 |
- <1x1016 1x1012 |
Electric resistivity, ohm x cm | 0,05 - 200 | above 800 |
Electric resistivity spread over ingot diameter, % | 3 - 5 | 3 |
Ingot diameter, mm | 203 | 152 |
Commercial proposals:
supply of ground and polished silicon plates to suit customer's

The base MBE technology for multilayer semiconductor structures of In-Al-Ga-As compounds was developed.
"Heteroepitaxial structures of GaAlAs compounds" were developed and authorized - TA 1778-03533808-01 - on:
heteroepitaxial structures n+-GaAs/n-GaAs/GaAs for powerful MW transistors of MESFET type;
heteroepitaxial structures n+-GaAs/AlGaAs/n-GaAs/GaAs for powerful MW transistors of HFET type.
Based on these heterostructures OJSC "Oktava" (Novosibirsk) developed a number of MW modules.
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The technology of obtaining multilayer structures with the method of direct silicon wafer splicing (DSS) for developing the element base of voltaic intellectual microelectronics was developed.
![]() Thermovision image of two-layer structures | ADVANTAGES OF DSS TECHNOLOGY high reproduction of functional layer electrophysical parameters (use of FZ-Si); |
DSS structure provides the fabrication of finely precise (I=20-100A) vertical channel high-voltage transistors (U=1000-1700В) (MOS, LET, IGBT) and high rapidity diods with high output of quality products.
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A series of transistors with static induction was produced on DSS structures by OJSC NEVP SOYUZ for voltage 800-1200V characterised by: low losses in the open state, high rapidity, higher radiation resistance.
Commercial proposals:
- serial production of DSS structures of type n--n+, n--p+, p--p+;
- working out the technology of vertical channel voltaic microelectronic device fabrication on DSS structures