V.G. Khoroshevsky (posthumously), RAS Corresponding member, Professor; PhDs tech. Sci. M.G. Kurnosov and S.N. Mamoilenko; A.L. Aseev, RAS Academician; I.G. Neizvestny, RAS Corresponding member, Professor | were awarded the premium of RF Government, 2012, in the field of education and the title "Laureate of the Premium of RF Government in Education" for theirscientific-practical elaboration "Scientific, learning and learning-methodical provision for training highly qualified experts in the field of distributed computing technologies". |
V.G. Khoroshevsky (posthumously), RAS Corresponding member, Professor | was awarded S.A. Lebedev RAS premium for a series of contributions on "Formation of conceptual bases for developing and realization of highly efficient multiprocessor computing systems in Russia". |
A.L. Aseev, RAS Academician, ISP Director | was awarded a jubilee badge-sign of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) "380 year anniversary of Yakutia with Russia" and a jubilee medal "30 years after launching the first GLONASS satellite". |
E.V. Skubnevsky, an ISP Deputy Director | was conferred the honored title of "Honored staffer of Science and Technics of the Russian Federation" for his considerable contribution to the development of scientific-technical base of the Institute and his fruitful multi-year work. |
A.V. Chaplik, RAS Academician | was awarded with the Paper of Honor of the Novosibirsk State University. |
A.V. Dvurechenskii, RAS Corresponding member | was awarded with a memorial medal in connection with a 75-year jubilee of the Novosibirsk region. |
P.T. Devyatkin, an ISP Deputty Director; V.K. Fedotova, ISP Director's asistant | were awarded with the Paper of Honor of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Trade Union Staff of the Russian Academy of Sciences. |
N.N. Rubtsova, Doc. of phys.-math. sci.; P.A. Bohan, Doc of phys.-math. sci.; S.P. Sinitsa, Doc. of phys.-math. sci. | were awarded by the Papers of Honor of SB RAS Presidium. |
A.A. Liamkina, an ISP post-graduate | was awarded the 1st prize diploma in the contest for the best report of the conference "Photonics and Optical Technologies" (26-28 March, 2012, Novosibirsk), diploma for the best report at the XVIII All-Russian Scientific Conference of students-physicists (29 March — 5 April, 2012, Krasnoyarsk), diploma of the 2d prize of the International Youth Conference on Luminescence and Laser Physics (16-22 July, 2012, touristic base "Peschanka", Lake Baikal), diploma for the best poster presentation at the International Conference devoted to the 110-year birth anniversary of I.A. Parfianovich, Professor, RF Honored Worker of Science. |
A.A. Paznikov | an ISP staffer was awarded a complimentary letter for the best report at the II All-Russian Scientific technical conference "Supercomputer Technologies" (Divnomorskoye settl., Helendjik distr., Russia, 2012). |
A.V. Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS | was awarded the Certificate (2d prize) of "Reliable Employer" for providing staffers efficient work and successes in production activities in 2011. |
Academician A.L. Aseev, ISP Director | On the decision of the V.E. Lashkarev ISP NAU Board of Directors and Scientific Council was awarded a jubilee sign badge "Vadim Evgenievich Lashakarev". |
Academician A.L. Aseev | was awarded the order "Valor of Kuzbass" for his outstanding deserts in the scientific development of Kuzbass and multi-year fruitful scientific activities. |
Academician A.L. Aseev | was awarded the title "Honored staffer of science and technics of the Russian Federation" for his training highly qualified staffers, development and realization of large-scaled programs, including those international on scientific, economic and industrial development in the Siberian region. |
S.V. Bogdanov, RAS Advisor, RAS Corresponding member | was awarded the "Paper of Honor of the RAS and RUS Trade-Union Staffers", SB RAS Paper of Honor, Paper of Honor of the Soviet District Administration of Novosibirsk city. |
I.G. Neizvestny, RAS Advisor, RAS Corresponding member | was awarded the Paper of honor of the Novosibirsk Regional Governor, RAS Paper of Honor and that RAS Trade-Union staffers, SB RAS Paper of Honor. |
A.S. Terekhov, Doc. of phys.-math. sci. | was awarded the Letter of gratitude by the Mayor of Novosibirsk. |
Professor V.V. Bolotov, Doc. phys.-math. sci., head of ISP PD | was awarded the RAS Paper of Honor and RAS trade-Union staffers for his multi-year proper activities, practical contribution to the development of homeland science and the List of Honor of SB RAS Presidium for his personal contribution to the development of homeland science. |
The OAB ISP SB RAS team | was awarded the Paper of Honor of SB RAS Presidium for the development of scientific trend and training highly qualified staffers. |
PhDs S.N. Porovoznyuk, S.V. Kuznetsov, N.A. Gorobchuk, OAB ISP SB RAS staffers | were awarded Papers of Honor of SB RAS Presidium for their personal contribution to the development of homeland science. Ten SB RAS PD staffers were awarded papers of Honor of SB RAS Presidium of USC SB RAS. |
K.N. Astankova, an ISP post-graduate | was awarded the Diploma for the best report among young scientists at the 19th International Symposium "Nanostructures: Physics and Technology" (Ekaterinburg, Russia, 2011) and the premium of Zh.I. Alferov Foundation. |
K.N. Astankova, an ISP post-graduate | was awarded the Paper of Honor by the Soviet District Administration of Novosibirsk city for her contribution to the development of science in Novosibirsk. |
The distributed scientific-educational complex for training highly qualified experts in the field of distributed computing technologies was marked with the "Big Golden medal of the Siberian Fair" at "IT Siberia" Exhibition, SIBTELECOM-2011. | |
The Institute | was awarded by the Diploma signed by S.V. Ivanets, deputy Minister for Education and Science, for the participation in the national exhibition in Spain "Scientific-Technical Achievements of Russia". |
The Institute | was awarded the Diploma of Honor for the presented rich exposition of nanotechnological developments as part of the Siberian Branch at the exhibition connected with the international forum "Rusnanotech". |
Academician A.L.Aseev, ISP Director | was awarded the order of "Polar Star" - the highest award of Mongolian Republic and he was also conferred the position of "Honoured Professor of the Buryat State University" and "Honoured Doctor of the Tomsk State University". |
I.G.Neizvestny, RAS Corresponding member | was conferred the position of "Honoured Professor of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov University". |
A.V.Dvurechenskii, RAS Corresponding member | was awarded the Honourary paper by the Novosibirsk Mayor's for his fruitful scientific-organisational activities and a great contribution to the development of Novosibirsk scientific complex. |
A.V.Rzhanov ISP SBRAS | became laureate of the competition in the nomination "Russia's 100 Best Research Institutions and Organisations" and was awarded the golden medal. |
DTIAM - the Novosibirsk Affiliated Branch of A.V. Rzhanov ISP SBRAS | was awarded the diploma for the participance in "Vth International specialised exhibition of laser, optical and optoelectron devices". |
T.B.Ezhevskaya (PhD in tech. sci.) | was awarded the diploma at the International youth innovative forum "Interra - 2010" and VIth Novosibirsk investitional forum within the All-Siberian industrial exhibition "Sibpolytech - 2010". |
T.B.Ezhevskaya (PhD in tech. sci.) | was also awarded the diploma of the International chemical assembly "ICA - 2010". |
G.Yu.Sidorov, a post-graduate | was awarded the diploma for his poster presentation at the "XII ALL-Russian conference on semiconductor and nanostructures physics, semiconductor opto- and nanoelectronics". |
E.B.Belskaya, junior researcher, P.P. Gugin, a post-graduate | were awarded the Honorary papers for their scientific contribution to and active participance in in the work of the All-Russian symposium "Lasers on metal vapours - 2010" dedicated to the 50-year anniversary of the first manufactured laser. |
Victor Gavrilovich Khoroshevsky, Professor, RAS Coresponding member | was awarded the order "Professional of Russia" and the title of "Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation". |
V.A.Seleznev, PhD in phys.-math. sci. | was awarded the Diploma for his scientific supervising with students marked with the Medal for the "Best student scientific contribution" by the RF for Education and Science. |
The Institute | was awarded the "Paper of Honour" by A.A.Fursenko, RF Minister for Education and Science for the contribution to the development of Russia's scientific-industrial complex and active participance in the 15th International exposition-congress "High Technologies, Innovations, Investitions".The Institute's contribution "Technological MBE equipment" was rewarded the 1st degree Diploma and the Golden Medal in the nomination "Novel high-tech device fabrication and scientific-volumous technologies". |
NAB DTI ISP SBRAS (Design and Technology Institute of Applied Microelectronics), on behalf of the Omsk Regional Government | was awarded the Golden Medal and Diploma for "Scientific development of thermovision devices on the modern element base". |
The Institute | took part in the 15th International Exhibition "Chemistry-2009" and was awarded the diploma of the Russian Chemical Association. |
The Institute | was awarded the Diploma and Golden Medal on behalf of RF Minister for Industry and Trade for the participance in the 5th International Forum "OPTICS-EXPO". |
The Institute | For the IR Fourier spectrometer with IR microscope presented at the exhibitions, was awarded: Diploma of the 4th International Exhibition "Photonics, world of Lasers and Optics"; Diploma of the 15th International Exhibition of chemical industry and science; Medal and Diploma of the 5th jubilee International Forum "Optical Devices OPTICS-EXPO 2009". |
A.A.Shevyrin | as a member of co-authors team, was marked for the contribution "Breakdown of coulomb blockade in a suspended one-electron transistor conditioned by the excitation of its mechanical vibrations modes" with a premium and a "Paper of Honour" within the IXth Russian Conference on semiconductor physics. |
S.N.Mamoilenko, a young scientist | was awarded the Order of "Young Talent of Russia" and the Novosibirsk Mayor's Paper of Honour for his highly professional teaching-methodical, scientific and pedagogical activities, also the Paper for his best report at the conference "Multiprocessor, Computing and Control Systems". |
A.V.Efimov, a young scientist | was awarded Diploma of the 3d degree for his best report at the VI All-Russian interinstitutional conference of young scientists "Technologies of Highly Efficient Computations and Computer Modeling". |
I.A.Korneev, a post-graduate student | was awarded the Medal for "Best student scientific contribution" by the RF Ministry for Education and Science. |
A.L.Aseev, ISP Director, RAS Academician | was awarded the Medal of the second degree "Order of Merit to Homeland". |
Doctor of phys.-math. sci. A.V.Dvurechenskii; Doctor of phys.-math. sci. A.V.Latyshev | were elected Corresponding Members of RAS. |
188 staffers | were awarded a memory sign for "Labour for the City's Welfare" in honour of a 115-year jubilee since the establishment of Novosibirsk city. |
The Institute | was awarded a big golden medal for "Fabrication of a number of homeland scientific-volumous MBE devices for nanoelectron technologies" in the nomination "Scientific-volumous devices" within "SIBPOLITECH-2008" exhibition. |
The Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS | The Organizing Committee of the Exhibition rewarded an "Honourary Diploma" for the participance in the exhibition "Innovative potential of Russian-Kazakhstan co-operation in scientific-volumous technologies". |
The Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS | The National Committee of Social Awards rewarded the Institute the I-st Degree Order of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky for the great contribution to the development of homeland science. |
The Institute | was awarded the Honorary Diploma for the great contribution to the development of scientific-technical potential, training highly qualified experts for science, education and industry of Novosibirsk by the Mayor's administration in connection with the 50-year jubilee of SB RAS establishment. |
Academician A.L. Aseev | was awarded the Order of M.V. Lomonosov by the National Committee of Social Awards for his deserts and a big personal contribution to the development of homeland science. |
A.L.Aseev, ISP, SB RAS Director and Academician | The State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly expressed their gratitude for his active social-political activities in connection with the 50-year jubilee of SB RAS establishment. |
A.L. Aseev, ISP SBRAS Director and Academician | was awarded the Honorary Diploma by the Russian Federal Agency of Atomic Energy for his big personal contribution to the development of atomic science and technics, deserts in scientific activities, training highly qualified experts and in connection with the 50-year jubilee since SB RAS establishment. |
A.L. Aseev | was awarded the Honorary Diploma of Novosibirsk for his great contribution to the social-economic development of Novosibirsk and in connection with the 50-year jubilee of SB RAS establishment. |
A.V. Dvurechenskii, Professor and Doctor of phys.-math. sci.; I.G. Neizvestny, RAS Corresponding member; V.V. Bolotov, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences | were awarded the Honorary Diplomas of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. |
Twenty-six ISP staffers | were awarded the Honorary Diplomas of RAS Presidium, and 40 of them were awarded the Honorary Diplomas of SB RAS Presidium. |
V.Ya. Prinz, Doctor of phys.-math. sci. | was awarded the Honorary Diploma of Governor of the Novosibirsk region. |
258 ISP staffers | were rewarded "Silver Sigma" signs. |
N.B. Pridachin, Candidate of phys.-math. sci. | was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Soviet District Administration, Novosibirsk. |
P.V. Zhuravlev, Doctor of techn. sci., Head of the Novosibirsk Affiliated Branch ISP SBRAS DTIAM (Design-Technological Institute of Applied Microelectronics), Deputy Director of the Institute on the Affiliated Branch Scientific Problems | was awarded the medal of the Order "For Homeland Deserts". |
The Institute | was awarded the Diploma by the Organising Committee of NSC (Novosibirsk Scientific Center) SB RAS exhibition "Innovative Potential of the Russian-Kazakh Collaboration in the Field of Science-Capacitant Technologies" for its participation in it on 4-5 October, 2007. |
The Institute | was awarded the Diploma and Medal by the Federal Agency for Industry for its participation in the 3d International Forum "OPTICS-2007" held in the All-Russian Exhibition Center, Moscow. |
The Institute | 20-22 November, 2007 was awarded the Diploma of the exhibition "SIMEXPO" by its Organizing Committee. |
The Institute | Russian Chemisists Union and the closed Joint-Stock Company "EXPOCENTER" rewarded the Diploma to the Institute for the active participance in the 14th International Exhibition "CHEMISTRY-2007" held on 3-7th September in Moscow. |
The Institute | was awarded the Diploma and golden medal for "Assimilation of multi-purpose production (thermovisors, matrix photodetectors) by the Russian Federal Agency for Industry, Government of the Omsk region and the International Exhibition Center "Intersib". |
The Institute | was awarded the Diploma for the active participance at the 4th International Exhibition "Oil, Gas, Chemistry, Energetics, Ecology - 2007" on 14-16th February by the city of Naberezhniye Chelny Executive Committee Administration and the Directors Board of exhibition enterprise "Expo-Kama". |
Academician A.L.Aseev, Director of ISP SBRAS | was awarded the Silver Medal "In regard of Development of Tomsk State University" and was elected Honorary Member of Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute RAS (St.-Petersburg). |
The Institute | was involved to the exhibition "Social Effectiveness and Development of Social Partnership - 2006". At the result of the exhibition the Institute was awarded 3rd Place Honorary Diploma. |
A.L.Aseev, Director of the Institute, Academician RAS; N.B.Pridachin, Chairman of the Institute's Trade Committee | were awarded Thank-You Letters signed by City Mayor, Chairman of City Trade Unions Federation and Chairman of Council of Novosibirsk Union of Control Managers and Employers. |
The Institute | was awarded a Diploma of Omsk Regional Government for active participation in the SB RAS Scientific-and-Applied Developments Exhibition, Omsk. |
The Institute | was a participant of the annual exhibition "Sibpolitech-2006" held by "Siberian Fair". |
The Institute | In December 2006 has sent in a large exposition during the 2nd International Forum "OPTICS-2006". The Institute was awarded a Diploma and a Medal as a Participant on behalf of Executive of Federal Agency for Industry B.S.Aleshin. |
The Institute | was involved in the following Fairs and Advertising Campaigns as a participant:
Alexander Sergeevich Terekhov, Dr. phys.-math. sci. | was rewarded the title "Honorary Scientist of Russian Federation". |
The Institute | For successful development of technology for production of "silicon-on-insulator" structures and devices on their basis, was rewarded with three Bronze Medals and a Diploma of "4th International show-Salon of Innovations and Investments-2004", Moscow. |
The Institute | was rewarded with a Diploma of Russian Fund for Protection of Consumers" Rights for the active participation in the Show-Salon. |
The Institute | is a holder of a Small Gold Medal and Diploma of the "Siberian Fair" for development of an infrared microscope, awarded to the Institute at the exhibition "Sibpolitekh Nauka-2004", Novosibirsk. |
The Institute | A diploma of Belarus Commerce and Industry Chamber was rewarded for the exposition arranged in Minsk during a week of business and cultural cooperation "Novosibirsk-Minsk". |
The Institute | won the 3rd Place in a municipal competition "Social Effectiveness and Development of Social Partnership" and was awarded with a Diploma. |
Prof. Alexander Vladimirovich Chaplik, Dr. phys-math. sci. | was elected as Corresponding Member of Russian academy of Sciences. |
The Institute | For successful development of a portable Fourier spectrometer "InfraLum FT-801" was rewarded with a Large Gold Medal of the "3rd International Show-Salon of Innovations and Investments - 2003", Moscow. |
The Institute Library | A Small Gold Medal and Diploma of "Siberian Fair" were awarded for publishing and propagating scientific proceedings in nomination "Special-Purpose Literature" at the exhibition "Siberian Book", Novosibirsk. |
The Institute | is also a holder of a Large Gold Medal and Diploma of "Siberian Fair" for Development of a scanning ellipsometer of high spatial and temporal resolution "Microscan-M" rewarded to the Institute at the exhibition "Siberian Science-2003", Novosibirsk. |
Prof. Victor Nikolayevich Ovsyuk and his co-authors | were awarded the State Prize of Russian Federation for a cycle of works "Electronic and Atomic Processes on Solid State Surface" |
The Institute | For successful development of a medical matrix infrared imager "Svit" was rewarded with a Large Gold Medal a Diploma of "Russian Medical Equipment-2002" exhibition. |
The Institute | is also a holder of a Large Gold Medal and Diploma of "Siberian Fair" awarded for development of "Nanotransistor on SOI structure". |