ISP is among the participants of the Scientific-Educational Complex (SEC) "Nanosystems and modern materials" of the Novosibirsk State University; SEC Executive Director — A.V. Arzhannikov, Doc. of phys.-math. sci., Professor; the scientific trend "Functional properties of nanostructures" is supervised by A.V. Latyshev, RAS Corresponding member.
ISP is a participant of the scientific-educational complex "Generation and application of terahertz radiation" established on the base of the Novosibirsk State University, a number of SB RAS institutes: INP, ICB, MI, ISP, ITAM, ICG, DTI and the Novosibirsk State technical university. The Scientific Council is chaired by B.A. Knyazev (INP, SB RAS), Doc. of phys.-math. sci.; the Council members from ISP SB RAS are A.V. Chaplik, RAS Academician and D.G. Esaev, PhD of phys.-math. sci.
In co-operation with the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Computer Programing (SSUTCP), ISP established the scientific-educational center "Material science and microphotoelectronics": Director — S.G. Sitnikov, Professor; Supervisor — I.G. Neizvestny, RAS Corresponding member, Professor.
In co-operation with the Novosibirsk State Technical University, ISP established the scientific-educational center "Semiconductor nanotechnologies" supervised by V.A. Gaisler, Doc. of phys.-math. sci.
In co-operation with the Novosibirsk State University, ISP established the scientific-educational center "Physics of condensed matters and physical material science" supervised by A.V. Latyshev, RAS Corresponding member.
In co-operation with M.K. Ammosov Yakutian State University , ISP organized the scientific-educational center "Nanotechnologies and nanocomposites" supervised by V.Ya. Printz, Doc.of phys.-math. sci., Professor.
In co-operation with the Novosibirsk State University, ISP organized the scientific-educational center "Modern sensors and data transmission nets" supervised by A.V. Dvurechenskii, RAS Corresponding member; Director — M.P. Fedoruk, Professor.
ISP is part of the scientific-educational center "Optoelectronics" established on the base of the Novosibirsk State University, OJSC "CCH Tochpribor", ISP SB RAS, IAE SB RAS, DTI SB RAS and OJSC "PA NDP".
RAS Academician A.L. Aseev, ISP Director is a member of NSU Scientific Council, TSU Monitoring Council, Trustee Council for the developmental program of the National Research Tomsk State University; A.G. Pogosov, Doc. of phys.-math. sci. is a member of NSU Scientific Council; A.L. Aseev, RAS Academician and A.V. Latyshev, RAS Corresponding member are Scientific Council members of the NSU Physical Faculty.