Arthur G. Pogosov

senior researcher,
Doc. phys.-math. sci.

Scientific activities:

An expert in the field of transfer phenomena for low-dimensional semiconductor systems and nanostructures. He conducte his research of quantum phenomena, such as weak localisation, mesoscopics, Hall quantum effect in 2D electron systems. Thermoeds mesoscopic oscillations were first analysed in the papers with his co-authorship. He focused on quantum transport in mesoscopic systems with quantum and dynamic chaos. Periodical lattices of artificial dissipators are among the studied systems of this type. The result of this investigation was description of resistance magnetofield oscillations conditioned by geometrical resonances. These investigations allowed him to establish the connection between quantum interferential phenomena (such as weak localisation, Aaronv-Bohm oscillations) and the peculiarities of classical electron transport in the systems with dynamic chaos. Investigations of single electron billiards of different geometry were realised with his supervision. Besides galvanomagnetic, also thermomagnetic phenomena were studied.

Educational background:

  • 1980 - graduated from the Novosibirsk State University on the speciality "physics".
  • 1997 г. - defended his PhD thesis in "Transport of 2D electrons in antidots periodical lattices".
  • 2007 г. - defended his doctoral thesis in "Kinetic phenomena in solid electron billiards".

Empoyment activities:

Basic employment — the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB USSR AS, Novosibirsk; 1985-1987 – practical researcher; 1990-1994 – junior researcher, 1994-1998 – researcher, 1998- to the present — senior researcher.

At present he is head of electron transport group in low-dimensional systems and,in particular, this group carries out the research of transfer phenomena in nanostructures fabricated on the base of conducting semiconductor membranes separated from the wafer ("suspende" nanostructures). One of this group's achievements is the creation of the suspended one-electron transistor with the effect of coulomb blockade having high charge energy and, hence, high working temperature. These investigations open the ways of making one-electron devices functional athigh (room for the prospect) temperatures, and it considerably widens their practical application field.

Pedagogical activities:

  • 1995-2002 – assistant of the NSUSemiconductor Physics Chair.
  • 2002 - to the present — Docent of General Physics Chair.
  • 2002-2007 – Docent of the NSU Semiconductor Physics Chair.
  • 2007 — to the present — Professor of this chair.

He was working at and now delivers lectures on the special course "Quantum transport in low-dimensional systems". He organises seminars on the special course "Solid-state theory". One PhD thesis and 1 PhD thesis of a French student were defended with his supervision.

Premiums and awards:

  • In 1999 he was awarded the first degree Diploma in the young scientists contest devoted to the 275-year anniversary of RAS.
  • He was specially marked with gratitude for his multi-year and fruitful activities.

Public activities:

Scientific secretary of the specialised council D 003.037.01 for the defense of PhD and doctoral these under ISP SB RAS.

Selected publications:

More that 70 papers were published.

  1. Баскин Э. М., Гусев Г. М., Квон З. Д., Погосов А. Г., Энтин М. В. Стохастическая динамика двумерных электронов в периодической решетке антиточек. Письма в ЖЭТФ. т. 55, вып. 11, с. 649 — 652 (1992).
  2. A.G.Pogosov, M.V.Budantsev, O.V. Kibis, A.Poydebasque, D.K.Maude, J.C. Portal Thermomagnetic effect in a two-dimensional electron system with an asymmetric quantizing potential. Physical Review B 61, 2000, 15603. (4 стр.)
  3. Safonov S. S, Roshko S. H., Savchenko A. K., Pogosov A. G., Kvon Z. D. “Metallic” and “Insulating” Behavior of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas on a Vicinal Surface of Si MOSFET’s. Physical Review Letters 86, pp. 272 — 275 (2001).
  4. A. Pouydebasque, A.G. Pogosov, M.V. Budantsev, A.E. Plotnikov, A.I. Toropov, D.K. Maude, J.C.Portal Negative Magnetoresistance due to Ballistic Weak Localization in a Dense Hexagonal Lattice of Antidots. Physical Review B 64, 245306 (2001). (4 стр.)
  5. A.G. Pogosov, M.V. Budantsev, D. Uzur, A. Nogaret, A.E. Plotnikov, A.K. Bakarov, A.I. Toropov Thermopower of a multiprobe ballistic conductor. Physical Review B 66, 201303 (2002) (4 стр.)
  6. М. В. Буданцев, Р. А. Лавров, А. Г. Погосов, , А.Е. Плотников, А.К. Бакаров, А. И. Торопов, Д. К. Мод, Ж. К. Портал Мезоскопические флуктуации термоэдс в периодической решетке антиточек. Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 79, стр. 166–169 (2004).
  7. Погосов А. Г., Буданцев М. В., Лавров Р. А., Плотников А. Е., Калагин А. К., Торопов А. И., Портал Ж. К. Кулоновская блокада и термоэдс подвешенной квантовой точки. Письма в ЖЭТФ том 83, вып. 3, с. 152–156 (2006).
  8. А. Г. Погосов, М. В. Буданцев, А. А. Шевырин, А. Е. Плотников, А. К. Бакаров, А. И. Торопов Блокада туннелирования в подвешенном одноэлектронном транзисторе. Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 87, вып. 3, с. 176–180 (2008).