
Семинар отдела физики поверхности

В среду, 15 июня, в 15:30 в конференц-зале Термостатированного корпуса состоится семинар.

L.I. Magarill and M.V. Entin

Circular photogalvanic effect caused by the edge-to- 2D states transitions or between the edge states in 2D topological insulator

The electron absorption induced by transitions between the edge states and between edge states and 2D states of a 2D topological insulator (TI) are studied. The intraedge absorption is found with taking into account the impurity scattering. Direct edge-to- 2D transitions are considered also.The circular polarization is found to produce the edge photocurrent, the direction of which is determined by light polarization and edge orientation. The edge-state current exceeds the 2D current owing to the topological protection of the edge states. Both ballistic and impurity scattering limiting the edge-state current are considered.